J is for Journaling

Jotting Down Your Genius: Journaling Unlocks Your Intuitive Superpowers Hey Friends! In our next installment of the ABCs of Intuition, we’re jumping into J, as in J is for Journaling. Ok, please don’t roll your eyes, because you’ve tried it, or already use this handy tool. Broaching this ancient process of putting thoughts down is […]

I is for Inner Voice

Dodging the Doubt and Amping Up Your Intuition Ever feel like your inner wisdom is like a precious crystal buried under layers of doubt, fear, and that ever-persistent imposter syndrome? Well you’re not alone. All intuitives feel it at some point in their career. There will always be challenges on your path of growth and […]

H is for Harmony

This week as we continue our ABCs of Intuition series, we’re hopping into “H for Harmony”, for me harmony always conjures the thoughts of music especially the haunting harmonizing of some of our world’s talented singers. While that’s a beautiful example of musical harmony, you may be wondering what does harmony have to do with […]

G is for Grounding

G is for Grounding: Like Sesame Street, we’re continuing our ABCs…..of Intuition. Today we’re focusing on G for Grover…uh, I mean…Grounding! Grounding Impacts Your Intuition  At its core, grounding, or “earthing,” involves establishing a direct connection with the earth, which recalibrates our energy and realigns us with the natural frequency of the world. Does that […]

F is for Flow

Navigating the Flow to Enhance Intuition and Clarity Welcome to a deep dive into the “flow state” – an extraordinary psychological state where you become fully immersed in an activity, leading to heightened performance and creativity.  But what exactly is flow, and how does it connect to intuition and clarity? Let’s explore.   Understanding Flow […]

E is for EMPATHY

Growing up I was always told that I was too sensitive, overly emotional. Fast forward decades later, I found my “oversensitivity” wasn’t a negative trait, it was empathy – and a major pillar in the foundation of intuition, my superpower. Empathy is like having a special antenna that picks up on how others are feeling, […]

D is for Discernment 


D is for Discernment: Your Daily Intuition Amplifier  Hi Fellow Mystics! Today, we’re zeroing in on a crucial ingredient in your intuitive toolkit – Discernment. Imagine making ‘D is Discernment’ as your personal compass, one that guides you through the crazy busyness of life’s endless choices and voices.  Maybe you’re wondering why is discernment non-negotiable for […]

C is for Calmness

Amidst the chaos, take a moment to embrace the magic of calmness. In this serene space, intuition speaks with unwavering clarity. A clear mind nurtures a clear intuition—it’s the essence of pure clarity.

B is for Belief

I wanted to share a simple yet powerful practice that revolves around the letter of the day – “B,” which stands for “Belief.” A belief is a thought you repeated endlessly until it became automatic. Here’s how you can practice this exercise, 5-Minute Boost of Belief: 1. Ground Yourself. Sit comfortably, plant your feet firmly, […]

A is for Awareness

‘A’ is for Awareness. Ever tried people-watching and predicting their next move? Or while driving imagining the turns the car in front of you is going to make? It’s a fun way to practice your awareness on the go. Wherever you go be aware and tuned in. Let’s Step into Awareness! No fancy gear needed, […]