Q is for Quitetude

Q is for Quitetude

Quietude The Quiet Power of Silence Supercharges Your Business Hey Friends! This week we’re continuing our ABCs of Intuition Series as we dive into the deep waters of the quiet. As I am writing this, the song, “The Sounds of Silence” keeps playing over and over in my head.  Being an intuitive, the ongoing buzzing […]

P is for Practice

P is for Practice

Practice Hey friends!  Continuing on with our ABCs of Intuition, this week we’re dropping into P for Practice. And like most things in our world practice is essential for mastery, or even simply improving. Any of you who have worked with me 1:1 coaching practice or in my intuitive certification programs and live workshops have […]

Embracing Chaos: How Disruption Fuels Our Path

Conscious Strategies

Chaos Hey friends! I don’t know about you, but it seems like everyone I know is going through massive changes. From family and friends to clients and colleagues, change is everywhere. As a seasoned professional in the mystical arts with over 25 years of experience supporting entrepreneurs, I feel called to connect with you. How […]

O is for Open-mindedness


Open-mindedness Unlocking Your Intuitive Genius – Embracing Open-Mindedness As we continue our deep dive into the ABCs of Intuition, this week we are exploring O for Open-mindedness. And in this exploration we are given access to a pathway to infinite possibilities; everything from a-z…and maybe even beyond? Ok you might say I’m embellishing a bit, […]

N is for Non-Attachment


Non-Attachment Hey Friends, Ever find yourself wrestling with your intuition like it’s a dodgy internet connection during a storm? If so, you’re not alone. But what if I told you there’s a secret ingredient to getting those intuitive downloads as smooth as your favorite playlist streaming in high def? Enter stage left: Non-attachment. Yes friends, […]

M is for Meditation Hacks

This week we’re continuing our ABCs of Intuition, with M is for meditation. But wait! Before you leave the page, rolling your eyes saying, “Geesh Lynnette, Meditation is OLD NEWS”, hear me out. This week we’re going to tap into some meditation hacks because let’s face it we don’t always have time to sit on […]

L is for Love: The Heartbeat of Intuition

Hey friends! This week we are being championing another powerful aspect of intuition in continuing our ABCs of Intuition Series. This week, we’re diving deep into the aspect of intuition that I find to be the most soul-stirring and sometimes most challenging aspects of them all – L for Love. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, cupid-struck […]

K is for Knowing and Knowledge

Hi Friends! As promised we’re continuing our journey through the ABCs of Intuition. This week takes us to a fascinating pitstop – “K” for Knowing and Knowledge. But we’re not just dusting off old tomes of forgotten lore here; no, we’re diving into the deep waters of claircognizance, intuitive knowing. And more importantly how to […]

J is for Journaling

Jotting Down Your Genius: Journaling Unlocks Your Intuitive Superpowers Hey Friends! In our next installment of the ABCs of Intuition, we’re jumping into J, as in J is for Journaling. Ok, please don’t roll your eyes, because you’ve tried it, or already use this handy tool. Broaching this ancient process of putting thoughts down is […]

I is for Inner Voice

Dodging the Doubt and Amping Up Your Intuition Ever feel like your inner wisdom is like a precious crystal buried under layers of doubt, fear, and that ever-persistent imposter syndrome? Well you’re not alone. All intuitives feel it at some point in their career. There will always be challenges on your path of growth and […]