Manifest Abundance, living a life of purpose, joy, ease, wealth, & success!
Let’s take the road of least resistance through Universal Laws & Energy Dynamics with Lynnette Brown, a law of attraction coach, author, and internationally known intuitive.
Work with Lynnette Brown!

Embrace your inner superhero and conquer the entrepreneurial world with intuition by your side! From sessions and coaching, to courses, and free tools, transform your life and business with an array of Conscious Strategies’ resources.


With profound insight, keen intuition, and unique abilities, Lynnette Brown can help you use your innate intuitive abilities to manifest abundance, as well as create incredible transformations in your personal and professional life


Transform your life for a better future and become a Certified Intuitive Coach in 9 months.


Support your access to the Divine and jump start your intuitive skills and ability to manifest abundance through the Conscious Strategies Blog, Universal Law Series, and Mystical Tool Series, including regarding Crystals, Runes, Pendulums, Cards, Mala Beads/Rosary, and a simple piece of paper.

Let's Get Started

Conscious Strategies for Everyone!

Discover your intuitive talents and learn how to use them in your lives. By harnessing the power of your intuition, there’s no limit to what you can do and create! {LEARN MORE}

With profound insight, keen intuition, and unique abilities…I can help you use your innate intuitive abilities to create incredible transformations in your personal and professional life as well as provide you with details and options that success coaches and consultants are often unable to provide. I have been instrumental in assisting many to gain clarity, define and attain goals, and subsequently live extraordinary lives…and I can help you too! Are you looking to transform your life and/or your business? Are you dreaming of accomplishing a goal, but aren’t sure how? Are you feeling lost or overwhelmed and are not sure what to do? {LEARN MORE}

Personal Transformation for a Better Future

Earn your Mind, Body, Spirit Certification in only 12 Months! Enroll today and learn ABOUT and more importantly HOW TO APPLY, universal laws, energy dynamics, metaphysic, mind-body-spirit medicine, self-healing, manifestation, and more to transform your life! Upon completing the certification program, you’ll also have the knowledge, tools, resources, and qualifications to be a coach and help others too. Enroll today and add a group of like-minded souls into your support system to help you find your life purpose, strengthen your relationships, improve your money and professional life, increase your happiness, take your health to another level, wake up your intuition, learn how to do intuitive readings, connect with your Divine voice, and more…So YOU can transform and as a bonus have the ability to begin earning a living teaching others how to live a happier, fuller, and healthier life as well. {LEARN MORE & AS A BONUS, DOWNLOAD 6 HOURS OF CONTENT FOR FREE NOW}

Experience empowering consultations waking up your intuition, teaching you how to do intuitive readings, and connecting with your Divine voice. These can be conducted either in person or by phone for a minimum of one hour. Sessions will inspire each individual to be their greatest self, release any blockages from attaining any desire, learn a deeper level of self-love, and assist the you in moving towards your AWESOME future. I’ll also offer guided meditations and healing work if you desire. You may schedule yourself for one session, or a series-there is no minimum required. {Learn More}

Uncover how to start a different conversation on money. Money is an energy- and our ability to be with the energy of money and practicing this will lead you to incredible abundance and freedom. Create an entirely different dynamic in your business and personal experience and manifest abundance, by changing your conversation around the energy we call money. Freedom from limiting beliefs and sabotage. ***As a bonus, are you living the life of your dreams? Do you worry about money? Download my FREE “Super Hero Training” to change your life! {LEARN MORE}

From meditation sound tracks to books, I’ve created the tools and resources you need to help transform your life! {Learn More}

“This book has been at my bedside with me when I work and every place in between. It is one of those books that I will not stop using. Every time I open it, I learn something new even if I have read the page multiple times.”
-Jessica Anderson

You Don’t Look Psychic is an in-depth guide to everything intuition. It covers all the abc’s of spirituality and leaves no questions un-answered. It is a book that would benefit anyone from beginner to advanced and is an enjoyable and easy to follow…I also was blown away by the section on Universal Laws.”
-Lisa Franco

“You Don’t Look Psychic was very comprehensive!  While we have discussed many of the concepts in class it was helpful to dive deeper into everything from the physiology of intuition, to the importance of inner work to be a clear and open vessel, quantum physics, the difference between a psychic and an intuitive, and the myriad ways we can access and develop our intuition. I appreciated the many reminders that as long as we’re coming from a place of love and set our intention to be of service to the highest good of our clients we can’t ‘get it wrong’.”
-Meghan Lindgren

Lynnette Brown

Meet Lynnette Brown!

My name is Lynnette Brown and I’m an internationally known business intuitive. I’ve been practicing professionally since 1999. I built my business skills and knowledge base working for a prestigious Houston law firm, but chose to leave the industry to assist people with growth and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives via my intuitive skills. I’m a certified Law of Attraction Coach, Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Certified Medium & Intuitive, author, and an Intuitive Success Coach. I’m dedicated to helping people live the lives of their dreams, as well as offer the insights and tools to help them reach these ends. A mother of two, I’m living the life of my dreams. Click here to Learn More.

With Gratitude,

Lynnette Brown

What clients are saying!

Meeting Lynnette was the catalyst for the greatest changes in my life. The weekend after I met and worked with Lynnette on an intuition retreat in Whistler, BC, something awoke in me that was fiery and ferocious. A knowing had been activated. I knew that I had to work with her and there was no other option. It just was. I started working with her weekly straight after the retreat. Even though I wasn’t sure where the money would come from, I just knew with every cell in my being that I needed to spend time with her. I had never felt as seen, understood, or held. Fast-forward six years and Lynnette remains to be one of the most sacred relationships in my life.

I met Lynnette at a time when I had deep rumblings of change and a desire to step into my gifts, but I had so much fear in terms of what that looked like and if I could actually do intuitive work. An aspect of Lynnette that I immediately gravitated towards is her intense maternal energy which is also laced with really practical teachings around intuition and manifestation. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve had a keen sense of knowing who can hold me and my fire, and who can’t. I knew that Lynnette could not only hold me, but she could also challenge and support me. She could show up in a way that would teach me how to do the same. Lynnette is an elder who can run with the cool kids too. She’s unapologetic about who she is, and has been before doing that became cool. You know when you sit with Lynnette that she has likely been through similar experiences to you, and she’s walked through them in an integrated way that allows her to hold you in it. Intuition and universal laws aren’t just something Lynnette teaches, she truly lives and breathes them.

It’s challenging to express my gratitude for all of the work that we have done together over the past six years. I can say with full confidence that I absolutely would not be where I am without Lynnette. She has held me and the vision for my life with complete confidence and solidarity. When you work with Lynnette, you feel held within her heart. You can bring what you’ve got to her, and she will stay standing, looking deep into your eyes; reminding you who you are.

Thank you for being my most cherished teacher, friend, and witchy sister. 

I love you. 

-Chloe E.

“Lynette immediately put me at ease, describing the way she works and how she receives information from the other side. I felt certain she was communicating with my son. The fact that he was joking around with his imagery helped me feel reassured that he was in a good place. I left the session feeling empowered with the insight I received and the new direction to help other parent’s overcome the loss of a child.”
~Janet Kaufman

“Lynnette is a life changer. My heart and soul are so much more loving, strong and capable because of the work we have done together. My future plans all excite me, this is one of the biggest gifts Lynnette has given me: the clarity to manifest the life I want. I recommend Lynnette with the highest regard because I know that she is in my corner, she listens and does so much work for me behind the scenes, and most of all because I always feel that she is rooting for me. I know that with Lynnette in my corner I am supported, loved, seen and even admired. I love her so much!”
~Sarah Lye, BC Canada.

“Lynnette has guided me to achieve more and reach for levels higher than I dreamed possible, teaching me tools, and supporting and encouraging me as I create my grandest vision. My sessions with Lynnette Brown have entered the realm of magical. She is a wonderfully gifted teacher and shares from her heart. Thank you, Lynnette.”
~Holly Reese, California, Entrepreneur

“Lynnette has guided and supported me through major life transitions, both personal and professional. Her clear and accurate intuitive guidance along with her professional accountability are a definite asset. She’s up to date on holistic aspects of business and personal development with the edge for success. Working with her under a retainer basis has allowed me to have consultations weekly as well as on-going access if needed. Lynnette has showed me a new way of being, and now I am living a powerful life of joy.”
~Kathy Milburn, San Diego, Ca