What would you regret not having tried?

We all have these dreams, and somehow, life pushes us in other directions. Unfortunately, next thing we know, we are standing far from those dreams we once had. If you were at the end of your life, what would you regret not having pursued? What would you have liked to do, that you didn’t get […]

Misunderstood Experiences
The hidden gem experiences we don’t understand

Sometimes we have experiences that we just don’t understand. However, if we look deeply, or wait long enough, a reason for that experience will usually reveal itself. All events in our lives lead to other events, and all we have manifested in this present moment is the result of past events and experiences. We cannot […]

Uncertainty – Life and Future

There is so much media and conversation concerning the economy and how there is a treacherous storm making landfall. As both a business and personal intuitive success coach, I have many people consulting with me about our economic environment and their fears associated with surviving their struggle. Often resignation sets in because they do not […]

Focus Your Energy

Several times a day, I’d like you to take the time to focus and refocus your energy. Begin before even getting out of bed. In the morning, tell yourself that you’re going to have a wonderful day. Tell yourself that you’ll make positive decisions that are for your highest good and will lead you to […]

What are you waiting for?

I was talking with a very dear friend of mine the other day and he posed a question to himself, which I took to heart. His question? What am I waiting for? As in what am I waiting for to live the life of my dreams? What am I waiting for to have the relationship […]

Divine Success and Performance

Often we find it easier to listen to our dis-empowering thoughts vs. our divine compass that shows us our true north. The Spirit world tells us if we would be willing to receive and see our own divine greatness our success would be plentiful, our worries regarding failure would be obsolete. This, of course, is […]

Taking “impossible” out of the dictionary of life

At one time or another, and in some cases many times throughout life, we are faced with choices about where we “should” be going. The first question asked by many of my beginning clients is, “What is my divine purpose?” Often they say, “I don’t feel like I’m getting what I want in life. What […]

If Wishes Were Horses – Dream to Reality

It seems lately, that most people’s get-up-and-go, has got up and left. Many are feeling disrupted by changes never seen in their lifetime. The non-stop media runs continuous loops featuring stories of failed companies, abandoned careers, broken marriages, and uncertainty for a prosperous future. With that kind of buzz flying around, a perceived safety net […]