Divine Success and Performance

Law of Attraction

Often we find it easier to listen to our dis-empowering thoughts vs. our divine compass that shows us our true north. The Spirit world tells us if we would be willing to receive and see our own divine greatness our success would be plentiful, our worries regarding failure would be obsolete. This, of course, is very confronting to our egos, which want us to believe in separation, lack, and suffering.

Here is something to consider…Ted Williams who was inducted into Baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1966, obtained (1941) the highest batting average of .406. What this average means is that 40.6% of the time he hit the ball and 59.4% of the time he struck out.

Now here is where you can determine from where your thoughts are based and where you are manifesting your life: would you consider yourself a failure if you only performed perfectly ½ the time? Do you think he considered himself a failure? How often in your life do you give up or stop because you think it won’t work – again!

The truth is you only fail if you give up on your dreams, desires and passions. If we are to thrive in joy, love, prosperity and peace we must let go of the thoughts that do not serve us – those thoughts, which are not aligned with our divine passion and purpose. It’s simply a choice for you to make.

Ted Williams said all he wanted in life was to be known as the greatest hitter that ever lived and 67 years later he continues to hold the record. So what will be your empowering thought that will lead you to your world record?


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