Universal Law Series – Hermetic Principle of Correspondence

Hermetic Principle of Correspondence

As above, so below; as below, so above.” – The Kybalion

This powerful principle speaks to the relationship between our inner and outer worlds. The Initiates wrote it from the perspective of our physicality – as above, so below; on earth as it is in heaven – does that sound familiar? 

We know by working with the first Hermetic Principle, Mentalism, that everything is of the Mind. We are the directors and producers of the movie our mind is projecting onto the screen of our lives. Again our ancestors are showing us another way to understand ourselves, our community, and our world through these principles. They do this by pointing to the importance of understanding that the outside is a reflection of the inside, giving us access to the unknown, the uncertain. This principle of communication and reflection tells us that the relationship between our internal and  external environment is what we manifest and live every day. 

My favorite saying as a kid, when trying to beat my brother in arguments was, “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!” For some reason this gave me great satisfaction and now I know why. What I was declaring (without understanding) was that everything my brother was saying about me – was really about him. 

Some mistakenly refer to this principle as the law of reflection, I understand why – because this principle is the mirror of our life. Using our current reality to expose us to what we are really experiencing on the inside. This is where the Universe is both keeping it real and keeping us honest by putting it in our face through daily experiences. There’s no hiding – even if we wanted to, we can’t outrun ourselves. 

The beauty behind this ancient wisdom is that we can’t blame someone else because of our circumstances – even if they are a part of the experience. We are having the experience because it’s a reflection of how we feel and think on the inside. 

Insisting that we look at our lives, this principle asks:

  • Are you stuck in a rut? 
  • Are you always running out of money? 
  • Are you always over giving and wearing yourself out?

The Principle of Correspondence is communicating with you, showing you that what you hold in your mind is what you believe you deserve – being in a rut, running out of money, over giving to the point of exhaustion – and therefore, it’s what you’ll get.  

You can take charge, however, and use this energy to work through you instead of feeling like it is against you. To understand the whys of your outer physical world, start looking at your inner mental world. This puts the power right in our lap. If you always seem to not have enough money, take a look under your hood. Go inside to that marshmallow center of yours and see what your inner beliefs are about money. 

How can this help us in our business and daily lives? 

Imagine you’re having a difficult conversation – by activating this principle, you just need to remember that when someone is upset, angry, tossing innuendos in your direction, they’re actually speaking about themselves – projecting their insides on the situation. The benefits, first, your blood pressure doesn’t go through the roof and second you’re able to truly understand what they are saying about themselves and the situation without taking it personally. This creates space for solutions and support. This simple practice alone would save a multitude of relationships and negotiations.  

One thing to remember, that can be a bit frustrating, is that our current experiences are a reflection of how we have thought and felt in the past. This often frustrates my clients because they want an immediate reward for practicing with their inner world. It takes time to rework old beliefs to reflect our desired experience. Don’t get discouraged. You can begin creating a shift, just start focusing on small things. For example, when you realize you are in a bad mood, shift your environment by going outside and taking some deep breaths, or playing some music that makes you happy. Shifting your outside environment supports redirecting your interior environment. 

How do we stay emotionally stable and wise in the midst of chaos? The pandemic has everyone around you upset showing you that you, too, are feeling upset. What then? I suggest focusing to align with your Divine Guidance when your world feels chaotic or disruptive. One way to access this principle and that focus is through this process, an excerpt from our book You Don’t Look Psychic. This shifts your inner world and thereby your outer world. 

Mirror, Mirror

Material:  Mirror (handheld is best)


  1. Hold mirror in front of your face – look at yourself for 3 minutes. (set a timer)
  2. Notice what happens.
  3. Speak aloud all the thoughts you think about yourself, (your nose is too big, you blew that interview, etc.) Be honest with yourself, give voice to the thoughts circulating in your mind (and creating your reality).
  4. After 3 minutes close your eyes, take some deep, slow breaths. Feeling calm, centered and grounded in your body. 
  5. Open your eyes looking in the mirror directly into your own eyes. What does the Divine want to say to you? It may be a softer, quieter voice. Be open to see what the Divine sees in you. 
  6. After a few minutes, close your eyes and be still, allowing this Divine energy to be soaked up.
  7. When you are ready, open your eyes, look around – you have changed and so has your outer world – even if it is in the most subtle of ways.  

I hope this helps you to more deeply understand and embrace the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence.  You have the power and the tools – where you go from here is up to you.  Your world is created through your thoughts and you can easily realize them by what you are experiencing every day – yay or boo – it’s up to you!

You are the director and the producer – make it a great one ☺




Meditation and Writing Prompts:

Hermetic Principle of Correspondence asks us to look inside. Here are some questions to support that exploration:

How do I feel about my life?

How do I feel about my relationship?

How do I feel about my career? 

What do I spend most of my time focusing on? 

How often do I do things that energize me?

Is my social circle energizing or exhausting?

Do I seek external things to comfort me? 

What am I doing that drains me?


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