Talk Action VS Take Action
Robert Browning, an English poet and playright, once said, “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a […]
How to be a Team Player
Regardless if you work for yourself or for an employer, the key to achieving a successful career is to apply your skills and abilities to what you’re passionate about. In other words, if you pursue a career that you’re quite skilled and talented in, but lack the passion for…you’re not going to be happy in […]
How to be happier at work
Work takes a great chunk of your time and life. You spend at least 1/3 of your day doing it and the other portion thinking about it. So I ask, why would you put so much time and energy into doing something that you’re not passionate about? Before you answer “for money”…allow me to ask […]
Passionate Wealth
According to the Wall Street Journal, “The key to getting rich — or at least one key — is to love a job or product that’s actually in high demand in our current economy.” So I ask you…what are your passions? What inspires and motivates you to take action? Perhaps they’re based on your interests? […]
Inspiration – 8 Easy Steps to get Inspired
As a writer I often face the blank page, typically with amazement and wonder, looking forward to the magic that will certainly come forth. Then there are the times when the ominous-ness of its vastness feels too big to approach because of the sheer certainty it will swallow me whole. So to show up with […]
Breaking up is hard to do…or is it?
If you’ve just experienced a breakup, you’re not alone. Just about everyone has experienced it at some point in their life. In fact, it’s so common that millions of books, poems, movies, and songs are based on this concept of “breaking up”. But I have to say, Neil Sedaka sang it best…”Breaking up is hard […]
The waiting is the hardest part – or is it?
As I was leaving the gym today, I noticed just outside people were starting to wait in line to see a movie that started 9 hours later. Some had chairs, blankets, and even laptops complete w/ orange outdoor extension cords to keep the charge rolling as the wait progressed. I had to stop to ask […]
Diversify your passions, careers, and subsequently your income sources
Growing up, I wanted to be many things…a big time executive, an actress, an entrepreneur, a writer, and the list goes on and on. However, as I got older and the responsibilities got bigger, I realized I had to “grow-up” and work a job that would pay the bills. So I did. I completed college […]
How Passion Directly Impacts Prosperity
Life’s short, so why not make the most of it? Think about it, if you had the option to either work at a dreaded job everyday or at one that you’re passionate and motivated for…which would you choose? Obviously, (will maybe I shouldn’t say “obviously”), you’ll probably select the latter. So while many wish to […]
Finding the Career of your Dreams
What do you want to be when you grow-up? To some, this is quite the daunting question. Think about it…whatever you select, not only does it need to generate enough income to cover the bills, but it’s something you would love to do everyday. And these days, when we read statistics with unemployment rates growing […]