How to be a Team Player

Regardless if you work for yourself or for an employer, the key to achieving a successful career is to apply your skills and abilities to what you’re passionate about. In other words, if you pursue a career that you’re quite skilled and talented in, but lack the passion for…you’re not going to be happy in the long run and consequently unsuccessful. Likewise, if you pursue a career that you’re passionate in, but lack the necessary skills and abilities…your passion will quickly turn into frustration and consequently disappointment. As such, to achieve success, you must pursue the overlay between your passions and skills/abilities. But, what’s that overlay?

To find out, try the following exercise:

1. Draw 2 circles.

2. In the first circle, list all the things you’re passionate about or desire to do.

3. In the second circle, list all the things you’re skilled in (acquired through learning) and those you hold abilities for (natural talents in).


4. Now, draw 2 overlapping circles.

5. In the overlapping area, list how you can apply your skills and abilities to your passions. The overlap is your blueprint for a success.


****Please note, identifying your passions or perhaps even acknowledging your skills and abilities is no easy task. Therefore, due to the limited space and time available, if you have any questions regarding what your passions, skills, and abilities may be or perhaps even how to identify them, please feel free to email for further guidance.

Now, back to the exercise…you may notice you’ll have certain things you’re passionate about, but lack the skills and abilities to execute. Similarly, you may have certain skills and abilities, but lack the passion to pursue. For instance, one can love fashion but lack the skills to sew a button. On the other hand, they may know how to sew, but find it tedious. It’s quite alright to have items solely remaining in your passions or skills list. In such situations, team work is necessary.

For instance, back to the fashion example…assuming you’re passionate about fashion…I suggest you still pursue it. But, pursue it in a manner that you’re skilled and talented in. Let’s say you’re skilled in writing, marketing, and have an eye for design. Therefore, combine your skills and passion by writing about fashion, maybe working as a marketer for a fashion company, or perhaps designing clothing. Conversely, the skills you lack, such as sewing, dealing with purchasing, sales, administrative, legal aspects, the list may go on and on…I suggest working with others who are skilled in these areas…hence the concept of team work. Once again, it doesn’t matter if you’re working for someone or yourself, the tasks or aspects of a business that are necessary but do not fall into the overlay must be completed by area experts, required to result in productivity and motivation. Similarly, those skills and abilities that you hold but lack the passion to pursue, you need to work as part of a team and have your team members who do hold both skills and passion.

So what’s the point of all this? The point is…you need to work as part of a team to create success for yourself and the organization. You need to pursue only tasks that you’re passionate for and hold the needed skills/talents in (the one’s displayed in the overlay of the circles). On the basis that not everyone shares the same passions & skills…you need to work with others to complement you. But, being a team player is no easy task. Individuals have different mindsets, personalities, values, morals, etc. So how do you work as a team? Will…every situation is a bit different…so if you have a certain situation that you would like guidance in, please email with your scenario.

Nonetheless, to work as a team…I’ve listed a few tips below:

1) Members must understand that a successful business is comprised of many components, and each component revolves around a team member’s purpose (the combination of passion and skill).

2) Committed and motivated team members are created when members have the ability to execute the combination between their passions and skills.

3) All team members must understand the business’ goal, their purpose, and recognized as a crucial component for creating success. This will result in motivated and empowered team members, with a dedication to succeed in order to avoid disappointing others.

4) If members with similar purposes have a difficult time working with one another due to competition for control…it’s recommended to divide the duties, allowing each member to focus and be responsible for their share.

5) Assure everyone is capable and comfortable to communicate. Members should not feel threatened to provide their input, insight, or comments.

6) Allow for feedback. The rule of thumb is for each negative feedback, sandwich it with two positive ones. This will result in improvement without offending others.

7) Place a conscience effort to remain respectful, supportive, considerate, and courteous to one another.

8) Work in a fun and comfortable environment. A dreadful working environment results in loss of motivation and limits success. I’m not saying get rid of the professionalism…but it won’t hurt to have a little fun…a little laughter. Via creating joy and excitement, motivation will be created, relationships will be strengthened, and teams will succeed.

These days, it’s inevitable…to create a successful business or career, you have to work as a team. If you’re not officially part of a “team” …chances are you’re functioning as a team to reach a common goal. Hence, the importance of understand how to be part of a team and successfully work with one another. As mentioned prior, team building has many aspects, so please free to email any questions you may have to .


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