Lifestyle Cleansing

Most of us try to keep our homes neat and tidy, but what about your lives? Our life, much like our home, gets cluttered with uncompleted tasks, unfinished relationships, incomplete ideas, etc. Just like a home, they require routine cleaning. Be it mental, physical, spiritual, or environmental, a routine cleaning is definitely recommended. Mental Cleansing: […]

How to increase self confidence

Confidence is more than just a state of mind when walking into a room, it’s a belief, a mindset! It’s belief in yourself and all of your abilities. There’s no one more important to have believe in you than you. Unfortunately, many lack confidence and therefore create their own life obstacles by doubting themselves and […]

Ask, Believe, and Receive!

I’m a firm believer of the Law of Attraction. No, I’m not necessarily talking about the rules behind flirting and/or attracting another. However, that too can be achieved. In this posting I am speaking about the theory that one’s future is built by their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. In other words, you attract the things […]

An entrepreneur’s path to creating the focus to succeed (part 4)

Olivia now has a better understanding of managing her life plan and who she is via gaining focus. She’s created a budget, organized her finances, took note of what she valued most, de-cluttered her surroundings, scheduled in “me” time everyday, and really examined and identified what she’s passionate about. Remember, she initially wanted to create […]

An entrepreneur’s path to creating the focus to succeed (part 3)

So far we’ve discussed gaining clarity externally (financially, environmentally, and physically)… but let’s now discuss gaining clarity internally. To achieve this with Olivia, we went through a series of exercises to examine and brainstorm who she really is and what her passions are really about. As explained in Passionate Wealth and Creating Wealth – Don’t […]

An entrepreneur’s path to creating the focus to succeed (part 2)

As explained in the first part of this series, the first step to creating Olivia’s focus was to create clarity externally via moving towards a minimalistic lifestyle. I’ve discussed living a simpler lifestyle in How to Simplify Your Life. But, let’s now look at how we can all relate. Olivia’s goal through this process was […]

An entrepreneur’s path to creating the focus to succeed (part 1)

I recently met a young lady who gave up the corporate scene, to pursue her passion and own her own business. For confidentiality purposes, let’s just call her Olivia. It was bitter-sweet for Olivia. She was excited to no longer answer to management, deal with office politics, or the nagging feeling of her efforts padding […]

How to simplify your life

These days it seems like we’re all busier, working more, drowning in clutter, and stress. Why? The answer is “simple,” life has become so complicated that we are sinking in our own actions and commitments. We’ve lost track of who we are and our focus on what we value. Therefore, I propose moving towards a […]

Creating Wealth – Don’t Give Up

As the end of 2010 fast approaches…you have to ask yourself, did you satisfy your 2010 New Year’s resolutions? Besides living a healthier and more active lifestyle, many proclaim to start or strengthen a business for the New Year. I’ve written many times on this topic before, but I know a little reminder here and […]

How to write a to-do list

Do you ever feel lost or overwhelmed? Have you ever felt like you have so many things you want or need to do, but just don’t know where or how to start? Such feelings of confusion and lack of focus create frustration and procrastination. We all may want to live a life full of success, […]