Misunderstood Experiences
The hidden gem experiences we don’t understand

Life experiencesSometimes we have experiences that we just don’t understand. However, if we look deeply, or wait long enough, a reason for that experience will usually reveal itself. All events in our lives lead to other events, and all we have manifested in this present moment is the result of past events and experiences. We cannot easily tease apart the many threads that have been woven together to create our current reality. Experiences that don’t make sense, as well as any we regret, are just as responsible for the good things in our lives as the experiences we do understand or label as “good.” 

This is especially important to remember at times when we feel directionless or unsure of what to do. It is often at times like these that we take a job or move to a place without really knowing if it is the right thing to do. We may ultimately end up leaving the job or the place, but often during that time we will have met someone who becomes an important friend, or we may have an experience that changes us in a profound way. When all the pieces of our life doesn’t quite make sense, we can remember that there may be some hidden gem of a reason we are where we are…having the experiences we are having.

It is fun to look back on past experiences and uncover those gems…the dreadful, temporary job in a bland office building that introduced you to the love of your life; the roommate you could not tolerate who gave you a book that changed your life; the time spent living in a city you did not like that led you into a deeper relationship with yourself. Remembering these past experiences can restore our faith in the present. Life is full of buried treasures. Chances are, you’re sitting on some right now.


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