Universal Law Series – Law of Attraction

Like attracts like.”

This is one Universal Law that most people have heard about. Some people simplify this Law by saying you need to only focus on what you want and you will have it. This UL teaches us that thoughts become things. Like attracts like. Although true, it’s missing one thing – the wisdom given to us through The Kybalion, that ALL laws work together and cannot be separated.

So, working with only the Law of Attraction, will bring frustration and the misunderstanding that these laws are of no help. This is why sitting on the sofa, wishing and thinking good thoughts about having a great business, will NOT get you that business. The Law of Attraction works in sync with all the other ULs. Thinking those great thoughts about your business will send out vibrations and the Universe will match it, but make no mistake about it – you will have to get off of the sofa to HAVE that business. 

Another challenge for some people with this UL is – getting caught up in how or why they would attract things they don’t want. Yes, we attract all of our experiences to us; what we may not realize, however, is that our limiting beliefs held in our cerebellum are the magnetizing force that draws those contrasting experiences to us. This leads us back to the 1st Hermetic Principle – Mentalism. Unearthing and understanding those limiting beliefs amplifies the creation of what we do want.

As I was doing research for the Universal Law Chapter in our book, You Don’t Look Psychic, I came across a timeline of the Universal Law of Attraction, which shows us this ancient wisdom has not only been utilized by our ancestors, but also for us in the “modern” world.

The term “Law of Attraction” first came on the scene in our modern world back in 1906 when William Walker Atkins published his new thought book: Thought Vibration or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World. He introduced the concepts of energy, vibration, thought, and manifestation – which was considered an act of bravery for that time.

1910 – The Science of Getting Rich, explains the role thought plays in the manifestation process. Its author, Wallace Delois Wattles, was the first author to dedicate a complete chapter on the energy of gratitude as a tool for manifestation.

1928 – The Law of Success in 16 Lessons, written by Napoleon Hill, uses the term Law of Attraction repetitively.

1937 – The very well known, best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill was published.

1986 – Jerry and Esther Hicks begin to share the channelings and the teachings of Abraham.

2006 – Mainstream breakthrough, the movie, The Secret, takes the world by storm, bringing Law of Attraction into a household conversation for people worldwide.

2022 – More people than ever before are using this tool to support fulfilling their dreams, desires, and goals for their lives.

So as you see, we have been tinkering with this UL for a while.

How to work with the UL of Attraction:

There are multiple ways to work with this law – meditation, visualization. Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, Ask and It’s Given, has 24 different processes to work with it. One of my favorite ways to work with this UL is through the Abraham process, Book of Positive Aspects:

  • Take a special notebook exclusively for this exercise.
  • Every day write at least 5 positive aspects about the subject

Example: Book of Positive Aspects on New Business

  1. Making the choices of business direction
  2. Feeling free to be creative
  3. Dream come true
  4. Get to work from home
  5. Feels fantastic to help my clients

After doing the Book of Positive Aspects exercise for 40 days consecutively, you will see a difference.

In working with this UL, I believe it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s not just about thinking good thoughts. When we subscribe to a rose colored glasses mentality, we risk stepping into spiritual bypassing. Spiritual bypassing is when we use our spiritual “speak” to cover up an experience. When we step over, or sugarcoat things, we risk not owning our part of a circumstance which cuts our growth off at the root. Another aspect of the misuse of this UL is when we gloss over another person’s experience and chalk it up to oh well, that’s your experience, you created it. We forget the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence – what is in another is in us…so you see, the importance of working with these Laws together.

I hope this has brought a deeper clarity around this popular Universal Law.

As always, you are the director and producer – MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!



Meditation and Journal Prompts:

What am I grateful for that I can acknowledge that I attracted into my life and experiences?

What do I want to magnetize and attract into my life?

How can I allow this into my experience more easily?


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