An entrepreneur’s path to creating the focus to succeed (part 1)

I recently met a young lady who gave up the corporate scene, to pursue her passion and own her own business. For confidentiality purposes, let’s just call her Olivia. It was bitter-sweet for Olivia. She was excited to no longer answer to management, deal with office politics, or the nagging feeling of her efforts padding […]

How to simplify your life

These days it seems like we’re all busier, working more, drowning in clutter, and stress. Why? The answer is “simple,” life has become so complicated that we are sinking in our own actions and commitments. We’ve lost track of who we are and our focus on what we value. Therefore, I propose moving towards a […]

Creating Wealth – Don’t Give Up

As the end of 2010 fast approaches…you have to ask yourself, did you satisfy your 2010 New Year’s resolutions? Besides living a healthier and more active lifestyle, many proclaim to start or strengthen a business for the New Year. I’ve written many times on this topic before, but I know a little reminder here and […]

How to write a to-do list

Do you ever feel lost or overwhelmed? Have you ever felt like you have so many things you want or need to do, but just don’t know where or how to start? Such feelings of confusion and lack of focus create frustration and procrastination. We all may want to live a life full of success, […]

Talk Action VS Take Action

Robert Browning, an English poet and playright, once said, “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a […]

How to be a Team Player

Regardless if you work for yourself or for an employer, the key to achieving a successful career is to apply your skills and abilities to what you’re passionate about. In other words, if you pursue a career that you’re quite skilled and talented in, but lack the passion for…you’re not going to be happy in […]

How to be happier at work

Work takes a great chunk of your time and life. You spend at least 1/3 of your day doing it and the other portion thinking about it. So I ask, why would you put so much time and energy into doing something that you’re not passionate about? Before you answer “for money”…allow me to ask […]