Creating what you want NOW


What are you looking for in your life?

While many times we spend much time analyzing information or data from the past, we don’t realize that analysis alone will not produce new ideas, patterns or situations. It’s requires awareness and integration into your every day life.

Here are steps to take right now at this juncture:

1) Clear the past of the present – be aware of your thinking such that you are not recreating the past to be present.
Understand and know your thought patterns and allow them to reflect that which you desire so that your vibratory frequency is in alignment with what you are allowing to come forth.

2) Be clear about what it is you are manifesting – if you are not 100% sure don’t worry there is always the adage of this or something better. Hold the intention that which is for your highest greatest good is what you are calling forth.

3) Every day hold the vision of your manifestation for a minimum of 34 seconds. The more that you can hold the visual, the quicker it will be present on this earthly plane.

4) Be a stand that nothing – absolutely nothing is allowed into your space of creation. This is why it is important to share what you are creating with a sacred partner, one who will hold the vision with you, never doubting for a minute it’s truth and reality.

5) Any frequencies that are not in alignment with your creation must be healed and released through forgiveness, understanding and compassion. This is choice nothing else. When you want to go down the tunnel of unacceptance or unworthiness simply see where your vibration level is via the barometer of your feelings/emotions. If you are feeling “down” you are creating from that level that which is not in alignment with your highest greatest good. Shift that frequency by talking to a loved one, putting on music, dancing, doing anything that gives you the opportunity to see something better than the space from whence you are.

6) Create an acknowledgment of your manifestation – keep it very sacred and small. This is paying homage to the universal spirit and showing respect as well as appreciation for that which you know you already have. This can be something as simple as lighting a candle and gazing into the flame, playing special music and holding the space of gratitude. This is especially powerful on the new moon – which is all about creating.

7) Listen to your divine guidance as to the action steps to take. These steps will be ones that you will enjoy doing not that will be seen as painful or difficult. Be open to following your intuition.

8) Create earthly anchors for your creation such as items that will trigger your thoughts and bring them back to what you are present to creating. It’s important to be vigilant in your creation process. Always being aware of what you are up to in the world.

9) Focus with intention on that which you are creating with ease and experience, as if you know you already have it.

10) Detachment – this may be one of the most difficult for humankind – because it speaks to the knowing that it is so. For you to understand and believe is what creates it happening quickly, powerfully, without your fear energy. Questions as to how will get in the way. Simply trust and follow your guidance. You may be asked to go to the grocery store and bump into someone who can be instrumental in your actions in the world of your creation. TRUST!!

11) You must be willing to give and to receive for this gift to be given. For the truth of the gift must be one for the masses – not just for your own volition. This is about being of service, but it doesn’t mean that you should be a pauper – it means to be a contribution will allow you to be contributed to. To work with the masculine and feminine there are two ways to go about it. If you have a divine sacred connection – utilize this.


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