Boo…Are you scared?


When you think of Halloween it conjures up all sorts of visions: black cats, costumes, tricks…and we can’t forget, all the treats! Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday and it’s a perfect time to talk about the scary things that go bump in the night. You know those creepy things that haunt you when it gets quiet; such as “Why can’t I make more money?” “Why don’t I loose this weight?” “Where are all the clients I need?” “Why doesn’t my boss appreciate my work?” “Why is my dating pool so lame?”

All of these thoughts come from one place – FEAR! Let’s break it down folks, plain and simple – F.E.A.R. (False Events Appearing Real)

So what’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams? I’ll tell you. It’s the thought that you could miss, if you take that shot at the bull’s eye of your dream. The loss of a dream, from a possible miss, outweighs the belief that you could succeed.

These thoughts may be so automatic that you don’t even realize that you’re thinking of them. The average person thinks 50K – 80K thoughts a day. So let’s calculate:

65,000 ÷ 12hrs = 5,416.67 thoughts/hr
90.28 thoughts/min
1.5 thoughts/sec
For the average thinker who is awake for 12 hours, that is 1.5 thoughts every second. Take a look at a stopwatch and you’ll get in touch with how fast your mind is running.

Looking at this, you can see how important focused thoughts, automatic or subconscious, is to our life experiences. Perhaps this is why our brain consumes 20 percent of our energy, despite the fact that it’s only 2% of our body weight. Unfocused or undirected thoughts create a surge of energy firing like a shotgun that will touch everything in a radius but without permeation. Focused or aligned thoughts create an energy stream directed to wherever your brain is pointed.

And in the spirit of Halloween I thought we would conjure up something to help direct your thoughts and get that energy thought flow firing in the direction of your dreams NOT your FEARS!

So here’s a technique that has proven to shift the flow of thoughts that will get you out of those ghostly situations.

Anytime you notice you are NOT feeling aligned or empowered about anything… your partner, your boss, your job, your life, etc, stop yourself & your thoughts for just a minute and recite this “Restoration Spell” while breathing deep:


If you can take 68 seconds to consider this Conscious Strategies ™ you will alter the flow of your thoughts and your point of attraction.

Take a look at this Abraham Hicks Youtube video, as it goes into more detail:

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Boo…Are you scared?
Posted on: Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 In: Blog

When you think of Halloween it conjures up all sorts of visions: black cats, costumes, tricks…and we can’t forget, all the treats! Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday and it’s a perfect time to talk about the scary things that go bump in the night. You know those creepy things that haunt you when it gets quiet; such as “Why can’t I make more money?” “Why don’t I loose this weight?” “Where are all the clients I need?” “Why doesn’t my boss appreciate my work?” “Why is my dating pool so lame?”
All of these thoughts come from one place – FEAR! Let’s break it down folks, plain and simple – F.E.A.R. (False Events Appearing Real)

So what’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams? I’ll tell you. It’s the thought that you could miss, if you take that shot at the bull’s eye of your dream. The loss of a dream, from a possible miss, outweighs the belief that you could succeed.

These thoughts may be so automatic that you don’t even realize that you’re thinking of them. The average person thinks 50K – 80K thoughts a day. So let’s calculate:

65,000 ÷ 12hrs = 5,416.67 thoughts/hr
90.28 thoughts/min
1.5 thoughts/sec

For the average thinker who is awake for 12 hours, that is 1.5 thoughts every second. Take a look at a stopwatch and you’ll get in touch with how fast your mind is running.

Looking at this, you can see how important focused thoughts, automatic or subconscious, is to our life experiences. Perhaps this is why our brain consumes 20 percent of our energy, despite the fact that it’s only 2% of our body weight. Unfocused or undirected thoughts create a surge of energy firing like a shotgun that will touch everything in a radius but without permeation. Focused or aligned thoughts create an energy stream directed to wherever your brain is pointed.

And in the spirit of Halloween I thought we would conjure up something to help direct your thoughts and get that energy thought flow firing in the direction of your dreams NOT your FEARS!

So here’s a technique that has proven to shift the flow of thoughts that will get you out of those ghostly situations.

Anytime you notice you are NOT feeling aligned or empowered about anything… your partner, your boss, your job, your life, etc, stop yourself & your thoughts for just a minute and recite this “Restoration Spell” while breathing deep:
[Restoration Spell: Align me with my desires and dreams, That I may feel the divine stream, Which brings in joy I promise to allow, Come…come…come to me now!]

If you can take 68 seconds to consider this Conscious Strategies ™ you will alter the flow of your thoughts and your point of attraction.

Take a look at this Abraham Hicks Youtube video, as it goes into more detail:

So when you’re out there finding more tricks than treats – you now have a tool to triumph over any bumps in the night.

Happy Trick or Treating!!

Happy Halloween!!


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