P is for Practice

P is for Practice


Hey friends!  Continuing on with our ABCs of Intuition, this week we’re dropping into P for Practice. And like most things in our world practice is essential for mastery, or even simply improving. Any of you who have worked with me 1:1 coaching practice or in my intuitive certification programs and live workshops have already heard me shout, practice, practice, practice. You already know how important practice is for developing your intuitive skills.

The simple truth is without regular practice – consistent practice – regardless of your intuitive skill level or how long you have been an intuitive practitioner – your skills will only be as sharp as your practice. It isn’t something you can haphazardly “play” with if you want to be a skilled professional.

So let’s unravel a truth that’s as simple as it is powerful: consistent practice as your secret weapon to sustaining your amazing intuitive skills. Yes, just like mastering the guitar honing your intuitive skills demands regular, mindful engagement.

The Power Punch of Practice

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Bruce Lee

Dialing up your intuition isn’t just about catching those fleeting “aha!” moments; it’s about developing a reliable, sharp inner voice that’s ready to chime in when you need it. Think of it as practicing that one kick 10,000 times — regular workouts are essential if you want to stay in tip-top shape.

Here’s some real-deal research and expert insights that back up the value of consistent practice for boosting our intuition:

Neuroscience Behind Practicing Intuition

Neuroscience tells us that our intuition comes from our brain’s knack for speedy information processing. This isn’t just random; it’s a sophisticated dance of neurons, heavily relying on our past experiences and the subtle energy cues around us. Research from the Max Planck Institute in Germany points out that our best predictions happen when we let our subconscious do the heavy lifting—essentially, when we rely on our intuition without overthinking.

Practicing our intuitive skills develops mental shortcuts, known in psychology as “heuristics.” These are the brain’s way of making quick calls with less energy. Think about it—chess masters or seasoned ER doctors often rely on these intuitive snaps to make smart moves in high-stakes environments. Their accuracy isn’t just luck; it’s a finely tuned skill sharpened by years of practice.

Science and the Benefits of Intuitive Practice

  • Dr. Gary Klein, renowned for his research on how people make decisions in real-world settings, has observed that firefighters develop razor-sharp intuition by making high-pressure decisions repeatedly. They’re not just putting out fires; they’re training their brains to recognize patterns and react instinctively.
  • A study highlighted in Psychological Science revealed that people could enhance their intuition through specific training designed to recognize patterns in sets of complex data. This training didn’t just help in one area; it boosted their gut-decision skills across different tasks, showcasing the broad benefits of honing your intuitive muscle.

Our intuition is a delicate yet potent muscle. The more consistently you engage it, the stronger and more responsive it becomes. Regular practice doesn’t just make perfect—it transforms those fleeting gut feelings into loud, dependable guidance you can count on. Adding intuitive practice into your regular routine can take those intuitive whispers and turn them into a shouting voice. Whether it’s choosing a new lunch spot on the fly or deciding on a playlist for your evening workout, these small choices reinforce your intuitive strength. It’s like giving your subconscious a regular workout, making it quicker and more accurate so you receive it with ease.

For Mysticpreneurs, investing time in developing intuition is as crucial as any business strategy. It’s about weaving this profound skill into the fabric of your daily operations, turning intuitive insights into actionable, impactful decisions that not only drive your business forward but also enrich your personal life.

“If you don’t practice you don’t deserve to win.”

Andre Agassi

And here’s some things I do to integrate that daily intuition practice.

5 Practice Steps to Build Your Intuition

  1. Quick Gut Checks: Make it a habit to follow your initial instincts on simple daily choices, like picking a new book or experimenting with a recipe. These low-stakes decisions are perfect for strengthening your intuition.
  2. Sensory Walks: Add sensory walks into your routine. Whether it’s during a lunch break or a designated time in your day, go for a walk and fully engage all your senses. Pay attention to what you see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste. This heightens your awareness and sharpens your intuition by tuning you into the subtle energies of your environment.
  3. Intuitive Art: Engage in some form of artistic expression without planning—be it doodling, neurographica, painting, or playing music. Let your hands move freely and your mind roam, without judgment or goal. This exercise helps in silencing the analytical part of your brain and allows the intuitive, creative part to surface more powerfully.
  4. Random Word Insights: Use a random word generator to find a word each day, then spend a few minutes writing or meditating on what intuitive hits the word evokes. This exercise can help open up new pathways of thought and enhance your ability to find intuitive meaning in unexpected places.
  5. Pull for Answers: For small, everyday choices where the outcome is not critical, pull a rune, card or even flip a coin to decide. Before flipping the coin, assign each side of the coin to a choice. Notice your reaction to the outcome too. If you feel relief or contentment, your intuition is affirming the choice. If you feel resistance or disappointment, it’s likely suggesting the other option. This quick and simple tool can provide surprising insights into your subconscious preferences.

Each of these practices is designed to strengthen a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, giving you clarity and confidence in your abilities. And it’s always more fun to practice with friends, so don’t be shy away from getting together with fellow intuitives and sharing your skills.

Take it from someone who’s been practicing intuition for over 25 years, when it comes to your deepening intuitive skills, it is truly a scenario of if you snooze you lose. By using any of these little exercises into your regular routine, you will not only deepen your intuitive abilities, but also have a sense of sustainability for your Mysticpreneur business.

I’ll see you on the practice field….



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