O is for Open-mindedness



Unlocking Your Intuitive Genius – Embracing Open-Mindedness

As we continue our deep dive into the ABCs of Intuition, this week we are exploring O for Open-mindedness. And in this exploration we are given access to a pathway to infinite possibilities; everything from a-z…and maybe even beyond? Ok you might say I’m embellishing a bit, but hear me out. Being open is a critical skill, it allows enemies to become allies. Truly being open requires us to listen without assumptions or knowing. Consider this for just a moment….having a conversation with someone who is on the opposite side and listening to each other without judgment, simply listening and hearing what they are saying…..I don’t think I’m being an embellisher when I say it’s a revolutionary power.

Let’s dive in…

Decoding Open-Mindedness

What Is It, Anyway?

Open-mindedness is about genuinely opening our mental doors to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives, no matter how off-the-wall they may seem. It’s about letting go of the need to always be right and embracing the possibility that there’s a multitude of ways to view the world. Tune in right now…how did your body respond with my last statement? (hint: it’s ok to not be right all the time)

Open-mindedness is more than tolerating different viewpoints—it’s about eagerly exploring them with genuine curiosity. It involves setting aside our preconceived notions to make space for new ideas and experiences.

Recently I had the opportunity to watch open-mindedness in action. Visiting one of my dear friends we were sitting around her kitchen island with her betrothed and her sister-in-law and the conversation turned to politics. (First rule – right? Don’t discuss politics or religion….unless you want some fired up conversation) I witnessed 2 people who were truly on opposite sides of the aisle and as the conversation continued I watched as my friend’s betrothed held the space for the opposing perspective, listening and asking insightful questions to understand his soon-to-be sister-in-law’s point of view.

He didn’t raise his voice, his demeanor never strayed from actively listening. While he may not have agreed with her, he didn’t shut her down. He listened. Folks, that’s what a powerful example of open-mindedness looks like. I could see he wasn’t judging her, just wanting to understand her perspective. Love was present in this exciting debate and it had me wonder… imagine our world if we all used open-mindedness when we are connecting with others….what would that look like?   

The Magic It Brings to Your Intuition

Tapping into our intuition requires us to be tuned into the subtleties of energy. Imagine our intuition as a delicate, subtle whisper in a crowded, noisy room. If your mind is closed (filled with loud judgments and rigid beliefs), it’s like being at a live music concert—it’s too loud to hear anything else. Cultivating an open mind quiets these distractions, turning down the volume of judgment and skepticism, making it easier to hear the whispers of intuition that guide us toward our dreams.

When we embrace our intuition we recognize our intuition as a sensitive, finely-tuned sensor, ready to pick up the universe’s subtle frequencies. If this sensor is bogged down by the clutter of closed-mindedness (judgment, anger, unforgiveness, etc)—it misses these vital signals and messages. Sharpening our intuitive reception allows us to receive those subtle insights that may otherwise slip through unnoticed.

Maybe you’re wondering how to consciously strengthen your open-mindedness muscle? Here’s a couple of ways I build mine:

Conscious Strategies to Flex Your Open-Mindedness Muscles

Embrace the ‘Yes, And’ Technique: Next time someone shares an idea, instead of immediately saying “no” or “but,” try responding with “yes, and…” This improv comedy staple encourages you to build on ideas rather than cutting them off.

Mix It Up: Change your routines regularly. Take a different route to work, try a new restaurant, or listen to a music genre you’ve never considered before. Small changes make a big impact on how you see the world.

Book Swap: Exchange favorite books with a friend who has different tastes. Dive into how they see things, and discuss what you each found intriguing or challenging about your reads.

Question Your Perceptions: In my family we have a saying, “check yourself before your wreck yourself”, its origin is a story all to its own, but the wisdom is there. When we regularly challenge our own beliefs it creates a potential. Remember to reflect on why you hold the views you have and be open to the possibility that there might be another, equally valid way to see things.

Adopt a Beginner’s Mind: This is a powerful strategy for life! Approach new experiences with the zest and openness of a novice, instead of assuming you “know” what will happen. Whether it’s picking up a new skill, exploring a different culture, or engaging with unfamiliar ideas, embrace the learning process wholeheartedly. It creates a space for miracles.

Create a ‘Challenge Zone’: Set up a space in your home where you try something new each week, whether it’s a puzzle, a DIY project, or crafting something. Make this space a symbol of your commitment to staying open.

You may be saying, “Lynnette that’s all good but how do I use this in my daily life?” I’m so glad you asked

Daily Practices

Integrating open-mindedness into our life means more than just trying new things; it requires a fundamental shift in how we interact with the world. It’s about adopting an attitude of curiosity and non-judgment while being receptive and flexible in our everyday responses. No more autopilot folks!

  • Change Up Your Daily Habits: Small tweaks in your daily routine can have big impacts. Take a new route to work, try a different coffee blend, listen to some different music, or rearrange a couple of pieces of furniture in your home. These changes while simple keep your mind flexible and receptive.
  • Use Reflective Journaling: Each evening, write down a new idea or perspective you encountered that day. This not only reinforces an open-minded mindset but also enhances your awareness of the learning opportunities around you. I like this practice because it helps me to see when I haven’t explored new perspectives and is like a reminder to s-t-r-e-t-c-h.
  • Experiment with YES: Once in a while, spend a day where you say “yes” to new experiences (within safe and reasonable limits obviously). This can break the everyday routine and introduce you to perspectives and pleasures you may never have considered.
  • Question Everything: Challenge your assumptions regularly. Ask yourself why you believe what you do and whether there’s another angle you haven’t considered.. Again, this keeps you and your mind fluid.

The Real-World Benefits of Being Open-Minded

By nurturing open-mindedness, we’re not only fine-tuning our intuition; we’re paving the way for a life rich with innovation, connection, and success. Open-mindedness invites unexpected opportunities and fosters creative solutions, making it a cornerstone for personal and professional growth. And it’s not difficult…

So, why not throw open the windows of your mind to the fresh breezes of possibility? Your intuition is eager to guide you through a world brimming with potential. You may just surprise yourself!

Open your mind and embrace the journey; the rewards are infinite.

Here’s to living a life full of curiosity, growth, and enlightened choices. Embracing the unknown with excitement and letting our intuition lead the way.

I’ll see you there…In the great wide open….
