Creating Resilience: Adapting in Difficult Times with a Powerful Mindset

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and there are moments when the contrast of life seems to be pulling you into an empty cavern. And, even in the darkest of times, it’s possible to find resilience, adapt, and maintain a powerful intention. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies that can help you […]
7 Conscious Strategies for Cultivating Hope During Financial Challenges

In today’s challenging economic climate, many people and families are facing the harsh reality of a drop in their income, whether it’s brought about by a national “recession” or personal career shifts. Financial hardships can often lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair, but it is crucial to remember that there are ways to cultivate […]
The Enchanting Link Between Magick and Ceremony: Unveiling the Secrets

In this blog, we’re diving into a topic that has captured the imagination of countless people throughout history: the enchanting connection between magick and ceremony. For me, personally, the marriage between magick and ceremony is what heightens my intuitive practice. In creating ceremony with my magick practice utilizing the Universal Law of Action, remaining neutral, […]
Embracing the Chaos: Unleashing Magick with the Energy Around You

Have you ever had those days or weeks where it seems like everything is “going sideways”? When I first began living the life of a professional intuitive I naively thought that everything would be rainbows and butterflies. As I deepened in living with the divine through my intuitive abilities, nature and being, I quickly realized […]
Embrace the Mystical Summer: Exploring Magick’s Connection to the Season

As the warmth of summer envelopes our part of the world, it’s a perfect time to dive into the waters of summertime magick. The long days, vibrant colors, and an abundance of natural energy make this season a potent backdrop for those seeking to connect with their spiritual side. In this writing, we will explore […]
Unleashing Magick: Creating an Inspiring Environment for Creative Juices to Flow

Hey there, fellow dreamers and seekers of magick! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the captivating realm of inspiration and exploring how to create an environment that nurtures your creative spirit and sets the stage for magickal ideas to come to life. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, a musician, or simply someone yearning to unlock […]
How do I Know if I’m Using Magick Energy Properly?
In spiritual magickal practice, there are several signs that you may be using magick properly: You are experiencing the desired results: One of the most obvious signs that you are using magick properly is that you are experiencing the desired results. If you have performed a spell or ritual with a specific intention, and […]
What are the Benefits of using Nature in your Magickal Spiritual Practice?

Incorporating nature into magickal practice can have a number of benefits, including: Connection to the natural world: By using natural objects, such as herbs, stones, and flowers, and performing rituals outdoors, practitioners can feel a deeper connection to the natural world and the energy that flows through it. Increased energy: Nature is full […]
Magickal Tools

Magickal Tools – The tools of magick can vary depending on the specific tradition or practice, but there are some common tools that are often used in many forms of magickal practice. These tools can help the practitioner to focus their intent, energy, and attention during a ritual or spell, and may also have symbolic […]

Spells are a common tool used in magickal practice to help focus intent and energy towards a specific goal or outcome. A spell is essentially a ritualized set of actions, often accompanied by spoken or written incantations, that are designed to shift energy and manifest a desired result. Spells can be used for a […]