The Enchanting Link Between Magick and Ceremony: Unveiling the Secrets


In this blog, we’re diving into a topic that has captured the imagination of countless people throughout history: the enchanting connection between magick and ceremony. For me, personally, the marriage between magick and ceremony is what heightens my intuitive practice. In creating ceremony with my magick practice utilizing the Universal Law of Action, remaining neutral, […]

Embracing the Chaos: Unleashing Magick with the Energy Around You  

Writer's Block

Have you ever had those days or weeks where it seems like everything is “going sideways”? When I first began living the life of a professional intuitive I naively thought that everything would be rainbows and butterflies. As I deepened in living with the divine through my intuitive abilities, nature and being, I quickly realized […]

Embrace the Mystical Summer: Exploring Magick’s Connection to the Season

Mystical Summer

As the warmth of summer envelopes our part of the world, it’s a perfect time to dive into the waters of summertime magick. The long days, vibrant colors, and an abundance of natural energy make this season a potent backdrop for those seeking to connect with their spiritual side. In this writing, we will explore […]

Battling the Blank Page: Unleashing Your Creativity When Writer’s Block Strikes

Writer's Block

Hi fellow wordsmiths! We’ve all been there—the dreaded moment when the blank page mocks our creative endeavors. Yes, we’re talking about the infamous writer’s block. I like to call it an ebb in the creative cycle. But fear not, in this blog post, we’re going to jump headfirst into the fog of writer’s block while […]

Writers Block or Creative Ebb

Writer's Block

Some folks call it writer’s block, for me it’s part of the creative cycle – the ebb and flow of life in this creative “slowdown”. This creative pause is a common phenomenon experienced by writers, characterized by a temporary inability to produce new “work”. It is often accompanied by a lack of inspiration, motivation, or […]

Ignite Your Creative Spark: Strategies to Manage a Creative Slowdown

creative slowdown

Hello, creative souls! We all know that feeling when our once-inspiring creative juices slow down to a mere trickle. It’s frustrating, disheartening, and enough to make you question your artistic abilities. But fear not! In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies to manage a creative slowdown and reignite the flames of your imagination. Embrace […]

Discover the Joy of Knitting: Unraveling the Benefits of this Cozy Craft


I recently took up knitting as a creative outlet and I’ve been surprised to learn about the physical and mental benefits of this craft.  Learning to knit offers a variety of benefits that positively impact both your physical and mental well-being. Here are some of the key advantages of learning to knit:   Creativity and Self-Expression: […]

Unleashing Magick: Creating an Inspiring Environment for Creative Juices to Flow 

unleashing magick

Hey there, fellow dreamers and seekers of magick! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the captivating realm of inspiration and exploring how to create an environment that nurtures your creative spirit and sets the stage for magickal ideas to come to life. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, a musician, or simply someone yearning to unlock […]