Q is for Quitetude

Q is for Quitetude


The Quiet Power of Silence Supercharges Your Business

Hey Friends!

This week we’re continuing our ABCs of Intuition Series as we dive into the deep waters of the quiet. As I am writing this, the song, “The Sounds of Silence” keeps playing over and over in my head.  Being an intuitive, the ongoing buzzing of the outside world can over time subtly impact our intuitive skills. I know, this is something you already “know” and yet I can’t tell you how many folks forget that there’s magic in the quiet. Embracing a bit of silence isn’t just for monks, meditation or those rare moments of peace; it’s a secret ingredient to boosting your intuition and giving you an edge in your business.

Silence Is More Than Just Golden

Think about this: our lives are noisy, inside and out. Finding moments of real quiet is kind of revolutionary. Being in quietness is about more than escaping noise—it’s about opening a clear channel for your intuition to slide through smoothly. It’s about becoming a top-notch listener to the whispers of your inner wisdom.

Tuning Your Channel

Imagine trying to hear a friend whisper a secret in the middle of a concert. Tough, right? Now, think about turning down the volume. That’s what quietude does for your intuition. It cuts through the chaos, letting those subtle, yet powerful, intuitive hits to come through loud and clear. Making a habit of embracing silence can transform fleeting intuitive sparks into a steady, reliable compass.

As always, I look for simple and practical ways to infuse my practices in my daily life.  Here’s some ways I’ve used to weave that quiet into my day. Hopefully they will spark something for you.

  1. Quick Quiet Breaks: Grab a couple of quiet minutes here and there—no need for a full-on meditation session. Just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. These quick breaks can refresh your mind and sharpen your intuition.
  2. Start Your Day in Silence: Give your mornings a silent start. Before the daily rush kicks in, enjoy just a few moments of peace. When you wake up don’t jump right out of bed and into your day, pause for a moment with closed eyes and take a breath. It sets a calm, clear tone for your day, making you more attuned to those intuitive nudges.
  3. Nature’s Quiet Therapy: As always stepping outside and connecting with nature opens us up. Here in Texas the pine trees grow epically large and in the silence you can actually hear the trees creek. Whether it’s a walk in the park or just sitting by a window looking out at the birds flying by, nature has a way of quieting the mind and boosting your intuitive connection.
  4. Quiet Crafting: Engage in a silent creative activity, like writing, painting or knitting, without any background noise. It relaxes your logical mind and strengthens your creative mind to open up more and hone your ability to listen deeply, building your trust in your intuition.


Bringing quietude into your daily routine isn’t just helpful; it’s transformative. It cuts through mental clutter, paving the way for inspired thoughts and intuitive solutions that are game changers for your business. By embracing moments of silence, you not only strengthen your creativity but it also forges a deeper, more meaningful connection with your innate wisdom.

Embracing a bit of quiet is a means to sustainability –  keeping your professional tools sharpened with clarity and confidence in yourself and your abilities. It prepares you to make choices that resonate with your personal and professional goals.

So why not start now? Turn down the external noise, dial up your antenna, and let your intuition take the lead.  Remember, in the world of intuition, sometimes the quietest moments speak the loudest. 

Here’s to hearing the silence!



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