Managing Your Stress at Work and at Home

Stress. Does the word alone simply make you twitch, or want to get up and leave the room? Stress comes in so many shapes and forms – sometimes it even shows up in disguise. Stress at work and stress at home are two categories possessing a potential hundred subcategories, with variables changing based on the the size of the family, time of year, projects underway or a boss’s bad day. Home and workplace stress is inescapable. However, there is always a silver lining, light at the end of the tunnel and a new day on the horizon – stress can be dealt with and dealing with stress can serve as an asset to your personal growth and professional life.

Dealing With Stress at Work

There are several wonderful ways to deal with stress at work, especially when you have a career that is tense, based on deadlines, and where expectations are always running high. Consider a few tactics that will help foster your functionality, while offering great consideration to your sanity.

Don’t Lose Yourself

Whether you rely on daily affirmations, a quick read of something humorous or another idiosyncratic routine to keep your positive mindset intact, make it one of the most important parts of your day. Use it often, and when necessary. Your production will benefit, as will your psyche and physical well being.

Avoid Conflict

Not all conflict is avoidable, but consider a few examples:

Water cooler talk – that slippery slope that soon becomes the rumor mill. Gossip can become one of the most irritating and consistent sources of stress if it’s allowed into a daily routine.

Save your deep conversations with co-workers for out-of-office time. This generally means that they’re more than colleagues, and are deserving of that deeper level of trust. The only thing worse than becoming a gossip is to become the subject of gossip.

When someone has a reputation for being difficult, or creating unnecessary levels of stress in the workplace, attempt to avoid dealing with them directly in potentially stressful situations, unless this is crucial for completing the task at hand.

Keep Your Workspace Organized

Set aside a certain amount of your work day to keeping your workspace organized. Yes, your workspace includes your computer. Make sure all necessary files are where they need to be and that clutter is dealt with appropriately. Regular maintenance will save you from many stressful headaches down the line.

Stay Mobile

It is a fact that a sedentary lifestyle is not optimal for physical well being. Take time throughout the day to stand up, stretch and walk around. If you can, fit in a nice walk during a longer break to help the blood circulate. You’ll feel better and enjoy more productivity if you make this a part of your regular work routine.

The Drive Home

While heading home from work, it certainly helps to listen to some relaxing or entertaining music. Sing along, enjoy a few laughs and enter the home environment with less stress tugging you in multiple directions. Shifting the focus to home, you’ll enter a new dynamic of stress depending on family needs.

Dealing with Stress at Home

Home is where the husband/wife/significant other wants some of your time, the kids need to be fed, helped with homework and tucked in, the dog needs to be walked and chores need completing. There is obviously stress in this peaceful environment. However, stress in the home can be dealt with when the family unit subscribes to a positive mindset and is game to pitch in and help out.

A Few Ways to Alleviate Stress At Home

Communicate Regularly

Communication in the household goes much deeper than it does at the workplace. “Hi, how ya doin’,” isn’t going to get a whole lot accomplished in the home environment. Regular conversations about understanding roles within the household will begin to create a nice team environment in which all family members participate.

Divide the Chores Evenly

When helping around the house is seen as a family activity, the household stress level will drop significantly. While the kids may not be apt to do the laundry, they can certainly help with taking out the trash, putting away dishes and making sure their room(s) are tidy.

Budget Your Time at Home

As a parent, setting a consistent bedtime is a great for establishing healthy habits for a child, and it will allow you some quiet time, or much needed time to yourself or your most significant other. Sticking to a schedule in a household will help greatly reduce the stress factor in the family dynamic.


When it comes time to relax…RELAX! Don’t distract yourself by multi-tasking chores with enjoying your music, favorite TV show or late-night decaf coffee with a book. Take the time for yourself, and put the day to rest.

Start Each Day Right…The Night Before

The next day begins when you begin preparing for it the night before. Ultimately, the rest you give to your body and mind will greatly influence how you will awaken the following day. Starting the day out right at home will quickly transition into a positive beginning for your day at work.


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