Inspiration – 8 Easy Steps to get Inspired

As a writer I often face the blank page, typically with amazement and wonder, looking forward to the magic that will certainly come forth. Then there are the times when the ominous-ness of its vastness feels too big to approach because of the sheer certainty it will swallow me whole.

So to show up with my meager alphabet ready to do battle, I must not only have courage, but also be inspired to fight the good fight, or better-said right the good write.

What is inspiration?

Some people believe inspiration is an intangible characteristic that can’t be forced, but can be found if you know where to look. Others think it is a source for divine ideas.

Webster defines inspiration as “1. a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation b: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions c: the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
2. the act of drawing in; specifically : the drawing of air into the lungs”

Inspiration is about finding something that divinely rouses you to take action or movement towards your desire or goal. There are many ways to have that divine “idea” breathed into you so you can move forward, whether it’s a work project or a creative project.

Where can I find inspiration?

I’ve had many conversations with my clients who are CEOs and CFOs about inspiration. Working with a business project requires inspiration just as much as any creative endeavor. We all need inspiration. So where do we find it?

There are many avenues to have your inspiration peaked, here are 8 steps that I have found work for my clients and myself to enhance inspiration:

Regardless of how you spur your inspiration the important thing is that you continue to maintain and support the breath of divine ideas coming towards you. Vincent van Gogh said, “For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Keeping your goals and dreams alive through being inspired will help you live a happy, healthy and wealthy life.

Step away from your project. Go for a walk and breathe. Studies show people who take a 5-10 minute break every hour are more productive.
Be present to your environment. Many times you can find inspiration in the art on your walls, pictures of your loved ones or even the strength of a blade of grass that grows up through a crack in the sidewalk.

Approach the project from a different perspective. Look at your project with different eyes as if you’ve never seen it before. It may help to start at the end and work backwards, or talk to a friend in an unrelated field who could add a different point of view.
Research by reading books, blogs, magazines, anything that allows your thoughts to expand. I love using quotes and art from my favorite artists, authors or leaders.

Silence is golden. You have over 60,000 thoughts racing through your mind in a day, and paying attention to them all can stop you from getting that one idea that will give you access to the inspiration or breakthrough you desire. Take time to sit in silence to create a silent moment in your mind as well as in your environment.

Exercise increases your breathing while also speeding up your metabolism and releasing stress. You’ll not only feel better, your body will thank you and your mind will be percolating with endorphins.

Do something different. Breaking up your normal routine will allow you to experience something new, which sparks fresh creative thoughts and inspiration. Even if it is something simple like driving a different route to the office or home.

Keep it simple. When you can get back to the basics and the clarity of your goal, ideas will rush in.

Regardless of how you spur your inspiration the important thing is that you continue to maintain and support the breath of divine ideas coming towards you. Vincent van Gogh said, “For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Keeping your goals and dreams alive through being inspired will help you live a happy, healthy and wealthy life.


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