Vortex – Where all the Magic Happens

SUMMARY: The vortex is a reality, where all the “magic” happens. In the vortex, you’re aligned with Source energy. You’re aligned with your desires, your dreams, your wishes, your hopes, and the best version of yourself. You’re filled with pure, positive energy, feeling incredible, enthusiastic, motivated, inspired, passionate, happy, appreciative, and energetic. And with the laws of attraction responding to your requests, all that you desire are attracted and stored in this vortex. So reach for the best feeling thoughts you can find and keep yourself in the natural state of flow. To learn more, I invite you to join our Vortex Integration Program!!


What is the vortex?
The vortex is a “place,” for lack of a better term, where all your desires, dreams, wishes, and hopes are stored. It’s a place where everything you have asked for (or will ask for) is saved for you.

Are you in the vortex?
You know you’re in the vortex, if you’re in alignment with your desires, dreams, wishes, and hopes. You’re in alignment with your Source energy (Source being what you refer to as the Universe, God, All Mighty, etc…). It’s when you’re in the “Zone,” as what athletes like to refer to it as.
Simply stated, imagine an environment filled with pure, positive energy. In the vortex, since you’re in alignment with the best version of yourself and all that you desire, you feel incredible, enthusiastic, motivated, inspired, passionate, happy, appreciative, and energetic. And with the laws of attraction responding to your requests, all that you desire are attracted and stored in this vortex.

In other words, if you’re feeling good, then you’re in the vortex. However, if you’re feeling bad, frustrated, jealous, and just crappy, then you’re outside of it.

Getting into the vortex?
Have you ever woken up and just felt good and ready to start your day? But then, the next thing you know, you’re out of coffee or just realize you have to rush to work? Such a miniscule factor can play a big impact on you because it can pull your thoughts away from that “feel good” vortex state and drag you outside of it, where you’re just not feeling as yourself.

Or, imagine it’s pay day and you’re feeling a little bit more at ease and appreciative that you’re not momentarily financially struggling. But then, all of a sudden, you find yourself facing an unexpected expense (i.e. a bill came in the mail, you popped a tire, or maybe got a parking ticket). Whatever it may be, you just switched from that feel good, I can take on the world mentality to frustration, anxiety, fear, doubt, resentment, and maybe worrying.

To make matters worse, when you’re in this negative state, your actions may fuel more negativity. Perhaps you say something out of frustration or act too hastily and consequently make matters worse. This, my friend, adds fuel to fire.

That’s why one of the cardinal pieces of advice I can give is…Look when things are good and keep yourself in the flow. When you’re making decisions, taking actions, planning, etc…do so when you’re in your vortex and aligned with your best self.

So if you’re asking how do you get into the vortex, well…the fact is, the answer is simpler than you think. Again, generally, you’re in the vortex throughout the day. However, when you’re faced with a negative trigger, your feel good, aligned state, is blocked and you’re taken out of the vortex.

So, focus on the feelings and doing what feels good. instead of any negative blockage (i.e. feeling unworthy, jealous, critical, pessimistic, and unappreciative). You see, the vortex is a place where you feel good and are absent of resistance. By something as simple as getting a massage, going for a walk, meditating, working out, becoming one with nature, reading a book for pleasure, can stumble you upon the vortex. Then, once you’re in there, leverage it and stay in the flow. Practice the vibration in it. Focus on the positive thoughts.

In short, avoid all sources of stress and negativity (usually anything that doesn’t bring you value or happiness) and make an active effort to notice when you’re in your zone, your vortex. Notice when you’re feeling super high in the purest sense, when you’re connected with your higher self, and feeling the present moment. Then, when you’re in the vortex, learn to stay in their longer by such acts as praising rather than criticizing. Being optimistic, rather than pessimistic. Being appreciative, rather than ungrateful. Being proud and accepting, rather than feeling jealous or unworthy. Train yourself, thought by thought, to be in the vortex and its vibrational match so you can take advantage of all that the vortex has stored for you.

To learn more, I invite you to join our Vortex Integration Program!


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