Over 50 million people seek to reduce stress, according to a Stanford Research Institute study. Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the first evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains.
Divine Abundance “Meditations for Attracting Wealth & Prosperity”
Meditation made easy through guided imagery and visualization.
This guided visualization and meditation CD helps you relax your mind and body with music set at different frequencies that tap into your Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta brainwaves while assisting you in the creation of having great abundance in your life.
The end result is a guided trip inside your mind to quiet your thoughts, feel good while helping you develop greater depths of calmness and self-awareness, which will help you to cultivate greater appreciation for yourself and others. This CD takes the mystery out of the visualization practice to create and have divine abundance in your life.
“I listen to Lynnette’s Divine Abundance CD every day and I’ve seen my business increase and my stress melt away. Thank you Lynnette!” – BL, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
“This CD is like magic! Who knew creating wealth working with my subconscious mind would be so easy?” – JDS, San Francisco, CA
“Love all the options and different visualizations” – H Smithe, TX
“Divine magic – that’s what it is!! Thanks Lynnette!!” – SM Griffith, AZ
Divine Partnership “Meditations for Attracting Sacred Love & Partnership”
This guided visualization and meditation CD helps you relax your mind and body with music set at different frequencies to tap into your Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta brainwaves while assisting you in the creation of having sacred love and partnership in your life. The end result is a guided tour inside your consciousness to quiet your thoughts, feel good while helping you develop greater depths of calmness and self-awareness. This CD takes the mystery out of the visualization practice to create and have sacred partnership in your life.
“I can’t believe the difference in my life since working with these amazing visualizations for sacred partnership and love. Since using Lynnette’s guided imagery I have had more dates with men of a significantly higher caliber than before.” – M. Stefinopoles, OR
“Thank you Lynnette for showing me an easy way to create a higher level of love in my life!” – Andrea S., HI
“Not only has my marriage improved but I’ve also seen a huge shift in my business life, with more collaborative partnerships. I didn’t expect that!!” – M.H. CO