S is for Sensitivity


Hey fellow Mysticpreneurs!

Do you ever feel like your heightened sensitivity is a double-edged sword—amazing for tuning into deep mystical questions but sometimes overwhelming in loud or chaotic spaces? Today, let’s unravel why S is for Sensitivity in our ABCs of Intuition Series and discover how this energy is not just important to manage but is also a significant asset to your intuitive toolkit.

Sensitivity is like having an amped up internal antennae that picks up nuances others may miss. It’s a built-in guide to deeper insights and connections. And managing this sensitivity is crucial because if left unchecked, it can lead to sensory overload, shutting you out from your intuitive connection. Want to know why many Mysticpreneurs burn out and give up on their businesses? Unchecked sensitivity blocking their intuitive channels. 

Sensitivity Fuels Your Superpower

Sensitivity fuels one of the most prevalent clairs, clairsentience, which is the intuitive pathway of “clear feeling”, receiving or sensing information through emotional energetic feelings. When using clairsentience you can pick up on energy and emotions of other people, places, situations and even objects – even without being in their presence.

Clairsentience powered by your sensitivity helps you understand things around you on a deeper level. This heightened sense isn’t just about feeling more; it’s about tapping into a deeper layer of awareness that strengthens your intuition and decision-making.

One of the glitches about sensitivity though is to remember how important it is to keep this energy in check so it enhances rather than overwhelms your intuitive channel, which can create blocks. So how do we keep that balance?

Sensitivity for Success

Here’s how:

Channel your sensitivity into a dynamic force for your career and personal growth:

  1. Create Your Chill Zones: Make special spots at home or work where you can relax and tune out the noise. These should be places where you can press the reset button, calm down and feel safe, away from too much buzzing and busyness.
  2. Choose What You Let In: Get smart about the places you spend time in and the people you hang out with. Make your spaces comfy for you, maybe with softer lights or quieter backgrounds. Or when you need to get things moving, choose a caffeinated coffee house where everyone is busy working on their laptops, your sensitivity will sync up with the flow around you. It works both ways. Make sure you choose it.
  3. Know Your Triggers: Figure out what makes your sensitivity go off the charts and what helps calm it down. Plan your days so you have time to chill after dealing with stuff that stresses you out. Understanding your triggers helps you adjust your self-care so your tank doesn’t get depleted by overwhelm.
  4. Get Creative to Stay Grounded: Dive into creative things like drawing, music, or gardening. These aren’t just fun—they help keep your feelings in check and your mind clear, all while keeping you grounded and centered in your energy.
  5. Take Breaks from Screens: Make sure to turn off your phone and computer regularly. Taking a break from digital devices helps with sensory overload so you don’t become energetically overwhelmed. This lets your natural sensitivity to reset and stabilize.

Using Sensitivity to Build Your Business

Were you one of those people that were told you’re too sensitive? Well the truth is you have a superpower in that sensitivity because it helps you embrace and master your clairsentience. Which allows you to deeply understand and connect with clients, sensing their needs and expectations in ways that others can’t. It even enables you to “anticipate” trends and adapt your offerings and services to support an upcoming need.

By mastering your sensitivity and clairsentience you elevate your Mysticpreneur business and practice.  

Why Being Sensitive is Good for Business

 Mastering your clairsentience means you’re not just reacting to what you feel; you’re using your sensitivity as a tool to connect deeper with clients and enhance your work. It lets you tune into unspoken needs and unseen opportunities, making your business interactions richer and more impactful.

To unlock the full potential of your sensitivity and clairsentience you have to embrace your gifts, not just thriving in your business, but shifting how you connect with the world around you. With clairsentience, you have the unique ability to feel beyond the surface, to understand deeply and respond not just with insight, but with heart.

Your sensitivity channels a thriving business that’s not only successful but also deeply aligned with your spirit and values. Imagine a world where your deepest feelings guide you to incredible opportunities, where you can trust your intuition to lead the way to success and fulfillment. That world is within your reach.

Using the power of your sensitivity, and watch as doors open, relationships deepen, and your business flourishes. Here’s to transforming your intuitive gifts into your greatest strengths.

Now let your sensitivity shine as a beacon, attracting clients, opportunities, and success.

Time to use your remarkable superpower—at its full potential to fuel your purpose!

Let’s do this!
