R is for Reflection



Hey there, Friends!

Welcome to another installment of our ABCs of Intuition Series—today, we’re diving deep into R is for Reflection. Far more than a peaceful pause, reflection is a potent tool that not only deepens your intuitive skills but also aligns your intuitive inner wisdom with tangible, successful results.

Recently, in my own reflecting time I’ve pondered the sustainability and success factors for those of us who are Mysticpreneurs*. What came through loud and clear, “Why is it some Mysticpreneurs* have success and longevity while others fizzle out like a 1 hit wonder?”  Some would say it’s because those who experience success are “better”, work harder, or had a big break, but that’s a lie of sabotage.

So, what IS the answer?

Mysticpreneurs*, because they weave their spiritual beliefs and practices into their businesses, embrace the natural ebbs and flows of energy movement and use Universal Laws to amplify their work. One of the ways they do this is through deep, reflective practices. These times of reflection are your secret rendezvous with your inner guide. It’s when you turn off the external noise and amplify your inner voice and ponder your life/world. I see it as a strategy session with your wisest self, where deep insights surface and guide your daily choices and actions. And the smart Mysticpreneurs use their reflection practices like a surgical tool to move through any blocks. Can you say sustainability?

Pairing Reflection with Universal Laws

Reflection is a natural aspect of working with the Universal Laws, the first one that pops up is the Universal Law of Correspondence, which says our external realities are reflections of our internal states—“as above, so below.” By embracing reflection, you actively sculpt your external experiences by fine-tuning your inner thoughts and emotions.  Using this law to not just observe but actively shape your life experiences through intentional inner alignment. (Can you see all the ULs at work here?)

When we link our reflection practice with the Law of Correspondence, it transforms the reflection practice from a passive activity into a dynamic tool that ensures every choice resonates deeply with your spiritual and business goals. It creates a mental mirror, revealing not only your immediate thoughts but also the patterns and motivations behind them. And by doing this regularly, you embrace and understand yourself better, clearing the fog bringing your life’s path into sharper focus. Imagine the impact on your business!

So here’s some simple and easy ways to practice reflection for all of you busy Mysticpreneurs out there.

  1. Question of the Day: Create a collection of thought-provoking questions in a jar and pull one out each day. Reflecting on questions like “What lesson did today teach me?, What was the best part of my day?” can open you up to access new perspectives and ideas.
  2. Snap Shot Reflections: Take a daily photograph that captures an energy or emotion you’re feeling. Or, take a moment and look at your camera reel – scroll through the images and choose 1 photo to focus on – letting the image provide insights into how you feel about the photo, perhaps even a peek into your subconscious, helping you understand yourself more deeply.
  3. Mixed Tape Reflections: Creating an OG moment, build a playlists that reflects your weekly emotional journey. Music is therapeutic and has a unique power to evoke and clarify deep emotions, listening to your playlist helps you sync up these emotions to use them as fuel to propel your life ambitions.


Making reflection a core part of your daily routine is more than a personal growth tactic—it’s a strategic business tool. It brings your intuition and your inner guidance into alignment to make choices that align your actions with your deepest values, significantly impacting your business’s success.

Turning Experience into Expertise

If your vision around your business gets foggy, a regular reflective practice will not only help you manage the present but it will also equip you to learn from the past so you can creatively build for the future. Every reflection turns experiences into lessons, and lessons into stepping stones for success. Which turns into, yep you got it – wisdom….making you the expert.

Stepping into the world of a regular reflection practice you will discover how it can illuminate your path, ensuring that every choice you make is both intuitive and informed. And by embracing reflective practices, you build a business that doesn’t just succeed momentarily but grows and evolves in alignment with your deepest values and visions. It ensures that your entrepreneurial path is not just about transactions but about meaningful interactions that resonate with you, your clients, and reflect your spiritual mission.

Integrating reflection work with Universal Laws doesn’t just illuminate your path; it empowers you to actively shape it. By embedding reflection into your daily practice, you’re not just pausing to collect thoughts; you’re actively engaging in crafting your life’s masterpiece, guided by the profound wisdom of both your intuition and the universe.

Integrating reflection into your daily routine, particularly through the lens of the Law of Correspondence, doesn’t just foster growth—it creates an environment where your business can thrive sustainably. Making sure your choices and actions are not just intuitively guided but are deeply rooted in universal principles, paving the way for a flourishing enterprise.

Ready to tap into the power of reflection and the Universal Law of Correspondence? Let’s jump into the reflection journey together, cultivating a Mysticpreneurial practice that not only achieves success but also manifests a profound, enduring impact.

Here’s to ensuring your business is a true reflection of your highest aspirations!

See you by the reflection pool!


*What’s a Mysticpreneur? I’m so glad you asked! A Mysticpreneur is someone who mixes their spiritual beliefs and practices into their business, creating a company that’s not just successful but also true to their personal spiritual journey and values.