About Conscious Strategies

Meet the Mystic Behind the Magic of Conscious Strategies

Lynnette Brown is the founder and CEO of Conscious Strategies where she utilizes her 25 years of professional experience in the intuitive arts and energy, to teach and entertain audiences to see beyond what is in front of them and heal their lives.

About Lynnette

Lynnette, the co-author of You Don’t Look Psychic, guides readers on tapping into their natural intuitive senses. Over the past quarter-century, her roster at Hay House, including Angel Numbers, has included Hollywood producers, doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. She has supported them in expanding their businesses using Conscious Strategies, improving every aspect of their lives. Her approach brings soul back into the boardroom without selling their souls—or, alternatively, without losing themselves and their families.

As a frequent speaker at conferences, Lynnette has shared the stage at Hay House’s ‘I Can Do It’ conference with Wayne Dyer, the grandpa of spiritual wisdom, as well as with other milestone thought leaders of our time. She shares her intuitive wisdom through her YouTube channel, the Clever Crones podcast, and her online courses.

Thanks for popping in! It’s nice to meet you! Because I don’t believe in coincidences, first I want to thank you for being here. I’m grateful that you were drawn to me and my website. So let me tell you just a little bit about me.

From the Texas Hill Country to the heart of Hollywood – my journey is about bridging the gap between the mystical and the mainstream. As an author, speaker, and intuitive maven, I’ve guided thousands to not just meet but dance with their destiny.

My intuition came online for me when I was young. I spoke out loud about things I saw, heard, and knew, finding out very quickly that most people didn’t get the “intuitive nudges” I did. So I shut it all down, thinking I was broken, and I began a career in the legal world. Working for a prestigious law firm in Houston I was brought to my knees (literally) by a spiritual awakening. I felt like I was selling my soul for money. As a single mom it was the only way I knew to provide for my children and myself but it was sucking the very life out of me.

So for my wellbeing I walked away and never looked back.

To this day I am so grateful for the experiences I had, toxic and otherwise because without it I wouldn’t have hit my tipping point and said yes to this divinely driven purpose.

Leap of Faith

After making this leap of faith I began to study, practice and devour anything and everything I could find about intuition and the mystics. Everything seemed to speed up. And I began to get more and more confirmation of my path.

The picture you see here is my niece and I prepping for our Thanksgiving meal. See by the cloud-like ethers around me? I had just finished a 7-day intensive training to do audience readings from the stage – this photo was a confirmation that I was serving my purpose.

In 1999 I made the choice to make this my business, to be of service and help others through accessing my intuitive talents professionally. And here I am ¼ of a century later, evolving, deepening my understanding and work with intuition. Helping others to access and use their own intuition to guide their lives and business.

If this speaks to you, I hope you’ll feel drawn to reach out so we can connect!

Until then, I see you on the other side…

What My Clients Say