Manifest Abundance

Unlock Your Inner GPS – Intuition is Your Secret Power!

Discover how tapping into your intuition can skyrocket your success and bring unprecedented balance to your life and work. It’s not just woo-woo – it’s your inner wisdom waiting to be heard!

Welcome to Conscious Strategies

Join the ranks of Hollywood producers, top-notch doctors, and entrepreneurial wizards who’ve harnessed their gut feelings into concrete results. With ‘Conscious Strategies,’ you’re not just guessing – you’re accessing a bespoke blend of coaching, energy mastery, and Universal Laws that have transformed lives and careers!

At Conscious Strategies, we blend ancient wisdom with modern strategy, crafting a life and business approach that’s as intuitive as it is insightful. Led by Lynnette Brown, a visionary in intuitive success coaching, we’ve empowered a diverse clientele to achieve breakthroughs that resonate on a soul level. From Hollywood’s elite to corporate trailblazers, our methods illuminate paths previously hidden, turning potential into palpable success.

Empower Your Journey with Lynnette

Imagine making decisions with clarity and confidence, navigating life’s ups and downs with an unshakable inner compass. That’s not just a dream – it’s your potential reality. With our intuitive success coaching, you’ll learn the art of tuning into your own frequency, deciphering the messages of your soul, and making magic in the mundane.

Get Coaching

With profound insight, keen intuition, and unique abilities, Lynnette Brown can help you use your innate intuitive abilities to manifest abundance, as well as create incredible transformations in your personal and professional life!

Intuitive Readings

A Soul-Stirring Journey with Ancestral Intuitive Readings. You are here because you’ve heard the whispers on the wind, the nudge of your intuition, or maybe just a desire to understand yourself more clearly.

Intuition Session

Experience empowering consultations waking up your intuition, teaching you how to do intuitive readings, and connecting with your Divine voice. These can be conducted either in person or by phone for a minimum of one hour.

Manifesting Abundance

Manifesting Abundance & Wealth in Tough Times. Attracting wealth in times of contrast can be challenging. In this event we will embrace and work with the natural cycles of money to create more peace and freedom in your life.

Book Available

Conscious Strategies for Everyone!

The book “You Don’t Look Psychic” by Lynnette Brown and Divi Chandna is a guide to helping people develop their intuition and psychic abilities. The authors argue that everyone is psychic, but that we often don’t know how to use our intuition or we discount it as unimportant. They provide exercises and techniques to help readers tap into their intuitive gifts and use them to improve their lives.

Book Available


The book “You Don’t Look Psychic” by Lynnette Brown and Divi Chandna is a guide to helping people develop their intuition and psychic abilities. The authors argue that everyone is psychic, but that we often don’t know how to use our intuition or we discount it as unimportant. They provide exercises and techniques to help readers tap into their intuitive gifts and use them to improve their lives.

What My Clients Say

Meet Lynnette Brown!

My name is Lynnette Brown and I’m an internationally known business intuitive. I’ve been practicing professionally since 1999. I built my business skills and knowledge base working for a prestigious Houston law firm, but chose to leave the industry to assist people with growth and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives via my intuitive skills. I’m a certified Law of Attraction Coach, Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Certified Medium & Intuitive, author, and an Intuitive Success Coach. I’m dedicated to helping people live the lives of their dreams, as well as offer the insights and tools to help them reach these ends.

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